Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43:19
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” – Lamentations 3:22-24
I can’t explain the feeling of hope that overshadows everything at the beginning of a new year. Wiping the slate clean at the end of a season of doubt feels right. Surely there’s hope, life even. It pushed through the cracks in a stable to stream the most powerful light over 2000 years ago. That same light filters through my bedroom window every morning. Soft shafts of light tickle my face, waking me up to hope. At least for that moment, every thing feels new.
Each year is marked by the completion of the earths rotation around the sun and hope…morphs into a new configuration of numbers. But it’s not an ending. It’s the glory of again. Again God positions our hearts with purpose and intention. He aligns our hearts for redemption. With hearts set to believe, we try again. We hope.
My one word for the year is slow. Think fluid, easy…thoughtful. I’m aligning myself with the unforced rhythms of grace that herald the promise of a melodious new song. I’m asking god to grant the favor of an unhurried grace. A steady stream of growth marked by a seasoned wisdom. I want a grace that’s gradual, unrushed…a lilting adagio to listen to all night.
We live in a world of lightning speed connections further ignited by subliminal voices telling us to do and be more. All the time. We receive it in hurried sound bytes that suggest we operate in performance mode all day. I want something different. I want an easy immersion in everything lovely. And I want time when life feels hard. I want to slow down enough to cry when I feel broken – and not feel bad about it. I want to stop long enough to recharge…restart.
To be clear this isn’t about a slothful season of unproductivity. It’s a time of being selective and choosing a pace that right for you. It’s a time of saying yes when His voice calls – a time for enjoying the clarity and freedom of saying no.
So right now in your part of the world. With your family and work, your relationships and plans, your frustrations and delights. Might I invite you to join me in a quiet slowing. To consider living dreamy. Measured. Deliberate. To breathe soul deep. To linger when necessary, to flip the script on last.
A time to slow down enough to cry when I feel broken. That speaks volumes because life’s snapshots become a blur with hurrying to what’s next that we don’t take the time to feel, cry, and sometimes really love. I want to join you in the slow down-a deliberate time to dance with God and let Him truly lead. Happy New Year and thank you for words that fill my heart tonight.
Mary Geisen recently posted…Time to Shine 2015
Oh that He might lead Mary. I’m determined to let him. Happy Sunday!
yes, yes, YES! I am so appreciat the blessing of slow, of savoring. I have challenged myself to be fully present in every moment…taking my time. This, “It’s a time of being selective and choosing a pace that right for you.” is particularly beautiful. May I walk this walk with you?
In His Love as always,
Chelle recently posted…Petrichor-my 2015 OneWord
Please do Chelle! I need a few comrades to keep me accountable.
A slow grace that winds us close to His timeliness imparts much more than the blessing of awareness, it creates and atmosophere of revrence for All He Has. I love this, Lisha! I have been campe in that verse this weekend, just waiting. It’s like a confirmation seeing it here…hearing your words… speaking right to hearts
Bless you! May the gift of grace descend and cover you much!
Dawn recently posted…Grace in the Rested Journey
Thank you Dawn. Focused on His grace and slowing down enough to enjoy the extravagant and unseen blessings he bestows every day. Happy New Year!
What a wonderful word for this new year!
Elizabeth recently posted…Hebrews 10:36 and Endurance…
I resisted for awhile Elizabeth. Once I realized He wouldn’t release me, I learned to like it. It feels perfect for my right now life. Will you, do you have one?
[…] #GiveMeGrace […]
Love this >>> “A steady stream of growth”. I read those words & looked at a particular plant on my windowsill. Its growth is ever so s-l-o-w and yet there have been times I am astonished at its growth, wondering when did it happen. That’s what I desire, steady growth that when noticed it will solely point to Him. May we each grow steadily this year! Blessings to you!!
Joanne Viola recently posted…To Trust, Dwell & Cultivate
Plants and children are like that Joanne. I’m with my children all day. I don’t see the inner workings that result in steady growth. I only see the pants and shoes that don’t fit. The limbs and feet that need more room! Lol. Happy New Year Joanne!
Yes, yes, yes! I’ve lived years of “hurry,” and all I did was hurry right past real life. Living slow with you, my friend. xox
Patricia @ Pollywog Creek recently posted…I {LOVE} Sunday::to give thanks and flourish…
Rejecting anything that fuels the flames of my harried life. Blessings for the weekend Patricia!
Love this encouragement to find an unhurried pace…that may look different for all of us. But I know that I need a slower pace too. You’ve given me lots to think about today, Lisha!
Holly Barrett recently posted…The path of life
Slow enough to savor, slow enough for roots to grow firm, slow enough to change – oh, how I love your post. I don’t know my word yet – my new year doesn’t begin on January 1 – it begins when God gives it to me – and then it’s like I’ve signed up for a year long class where He teaches me! Wishing you slow, savoring living in 2015, Lisha!
Ooh, nice one word, Lisha. I haven’t seen anyone else choose “slow.” Brave choice! In a way it’s similar to what I’ve chosen: “now.” I need to linger in the now more, quit rushing into the future; i.e., slow down. So I’ll enjoy reading how God uses “slow” with you this year! Blessings to you in 2015, friend.
Hi Lisha,
In a high speed world slowing down is the only way to sense God’s presence. He promised us He will never leave us but He never said He would chase us.
I love your one word because usually when we slow down it’s because of negative circumstances like nervous breakdowns or stress and not by choice.
There is a vision of hope when we slow our roll. A hope others will see the joy in our eyes and join the movement as we let go of the demands of this fast pace world and trust God. We are in the world but not of it.
Thanks my friend for planting the seed!
Thank you for this beautiful invitation, Lisha. I’ve been reading blogs tonight and this is a theme I’m finding — do less, read less, open more, listen more. I think that will mean cutting out almost all of my blog reading and that will be hard for me to do — but this is the year for me to write. And there isn’t enough room for it just now. Time to make some.
Diana Trautwein recently posted…Top Ten Posts for 2014 — and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Lisha, I always appreciate your writing! I love your word, slow. It goes right along with my word, intentional. I learned a little bit about slowing last year from Jennifer Upton and her reframing collective. It was great, but I feel I need to be more intentional in my slowing so that I don’t miss what God has for me in each moment of the day.